These 3 Influencers Return To Denver Fashion Week

Denver Fashion Week is a couple of days away and with that comes new and veteran attendees, all eager to experience the glitz and glamour of Fashion Week. With that being said, some veteran goers and also influencers, Date Night Denver, Jordanduh and Colorado Bites are attending yet again this season.

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They sat down with 303 to give further insights on their favorite part and why they continue to go. Who knows, perhaps this season you’ll get to see them in action at Denver Fashion Week.

Date Night Denver: Dan & Alicia

Q: What has your experience been like at DFW?

A: “I think it’s been really inspiring. I’m a native of Colorado, so to watch, the up and coming artists, the creativity and the diversity I think it’s a big statement that Denver has a Fashion Week like this. And so I always leave feeling super inspired. Every night is so different because they’re showcasing different things every day, that’s where the diversity comes in. The people that show up are different every night, the designers are different every night.”

Q: Why do you continue to come to DFW?

A: “For us, it’s the ability to see different things. We, ourselves, see fashion as a form of expression, and so we like to express ourselves through that. And when we come to Fashion Week, we always see something new and interesting and something that inspires us to think about our own way of expressing ourselves. We’re not necessarily going to wear exactly what we see on the runway, because some of the things are, in my mind, a little outlandish, but it gives me the freedom to create for myself and pick and choose the things I like and whatnot.”

Jordunduh: Jordyn Schoettner

Q: What is your favorite part of DFW?

A: “I definitely like seeing all of the clothes, the different collections and designers. I also love all of the walks.”

Q: What are you looking forward to most this year at DFW?

A: “Being able to connect with the fashion scene in Denver and with others who share the same passion as me. I think Denver has such a unique fashion scene — there are so many obscure and unique collections that come through here that I’m like, ‘Oh, I love it,’ so I like to connect with the other people who think the same thing.”

Colorado Bites: Natalia Story

Q: What has your experience been like at DFW?

A: I think it’s evolved a lot. The first time I went was probably at least five years ago. I think it’s just become, not only more organized as an event, but also I’ve seen a lot better designers, designs, and Denver feels more like a design or fashion city. Obviously, it’s hard to compete with places like L.A. or New York but it’s really cool to see at least a fashion scene in Denver Fashion Week, because I know on the street a lot of the time, it doesn’t look like we’re the most fashion forward city. So I’m hoping that events like this push people more to dress up and do more interesting things with their fashion sense on the street too.

Q: What is your favorite part of DFW?

A: I’m very much a luxury person, so I always love Couture Night. I’m really excited and I’m sad, because I think I have a conflict in events, and I’m trying to make both work. But this year is the first time that the fall event is doing Maximalism Night, which I’m most excited about. 

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