Royal commentator Daniela Elser has just come to Meghan’s defense and has bashed the ‘unabashed delight’ people have been taking in her “fall from celebrity darling status,” in the same way as Blake Lively.
Her thoughts on the whole thing have been shared in a piece for News.com.au.
In it she noted, “there is a line somewhere, a line between someone being validly critiqued for their actions, choices and words, and the gleefully malicious pack hunt that is playing out on TikTok, Instagram and X.”
She didn’t end there either and admitted, “Has, say, the duchess, in my opinion, made strategic mistakes at times and miscalculated things and thus far failed to launch a jam empire? Yes, and I’ve written just that over the years”, Ms Elser noted.
“But not a day goes by when I am not genuinely shocked and appalled by the frothing at the mouth, the bared teeth, the foulness directed at her on social media.”
“War criminals don’t come in for such a mauling,” she also hit back by saying.
“Who knew going after women, Salem witch hunt-style, would roar back into fashion so fast?” Ms Elser added before signing off.