NOAH Lyles is on a mission to win a historic four sprint gold medals at the Paris Olympics.

The Team USA superstar is also determined to bring fashion to the world of track and field.

Team USA track and field star Noah Lyles


Team USA track and field star Noah LylesCredit: Getty
Lyles attends The 2021 Met Gala


Lyles attends The 2021 Met GalaCredit: Getty
The Olympian is determined to bring fashion to the world of track and field


The Olympian is determined to bring fashion to the world of track and fieldCredit: Getty
Lyles wears a women's Stella McCartney outfit


Lyles wears a women’s Stella McCartney outfit

Lyles has been interested in design and fashion for a number of years.

It is a way for him to show off his muscular body and express his personality.

“You know I work on my body 364 days a year – I might as well show it off!” he told BBC Sport.

“All my outfits are based off how I feel or how I want to be perceived.”

Lyles is so comfortable in his own skin that he has even worn a blue and red Stella McCartney suit that is designed for women

“But I just decided that I wanted to wear it anyway and I feel like I made it very masculine,” he said.

Lyles has worked directly with personal shoppers and stylists to perfect his looks and bring a new dress code to track and field.

And in 2021, he was invited to the Met Gala

His showpiece items include a black leather jacket he designed after setting a new United States record in the 200 meters at the 2022 World Championships in Eugene, Oregon.

Called the “three-peat jacket” Lyle crossed off his two previous personal bests for the 200m in 19.65sec and 19.50sec, with the new mark of 19.31sec proudly shown off.

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“I was really excited to show off that jacket,” Lyles said.

His looks also include a “Men in Black” style black Prada outfit he wore for the New Balance Indoor Grand Prix in Boston in February 2023.

“I had this outfit for years and knew that I wanted to do it right,” he said.

Lyles is keen for track and field to follow in the footsteps of the NBA, with athletes taking part in pre-meet fashion walks.

The idea came to him after GQ magazine posted some of the best outfits worn by athletes of different sports.

“Why aren’t there any track and field people in here?” Lyles wondered, as told the New York Times.

Lyles uses fashion to show off his personality


Lyles uses fashion to show off his personalityCredit: Getty
The sprinter believes fashion can help track and field grow as a sport


The sprinter believes fashion can help track and field grow as a sportCredit: Getty

“Obviously it’s not happening because we aren’t doing it.

“But why aren’t we doing it?”

A number of athletes initially questioned Lyles’ desire to make track and field more fashionable.

“I had to explain what the idea was to a lot of athletes, which I thought was going to be the easiest part, because everyone watches the NBA and NFL,” he said. 

“But I guess I’m the only one that pays attention.”

His plan has worked with the likes of Lynna Irby-Jackson, Gabby Thomas, Freddie Crittenden, Noah Williams and Anna Hall attending the Atlanta City Games in May 2023 in iconic outfits.

“It’s really good for the sport,” Thomas said. 

“Any time you can do something that can support and promote track and field as a whole, I’ll be there to do it.”

Lyles further explained his strategy to The Kelly Clarkson Show ahead of the Paris Olympics.

What’s new for Paris?

Every Olympics sees a few changes, and Paris is no different.

The biggest new addition will be the introduction of breakdancing, also known as breaking, which will make it’s Olympic debut.

Kayak cross will also be making it’s first appearance at an Olympics under the canoe slalom discipline.

Three sports that debuted in Tokyo three years ago are also back – those are surfing, skateboarding and 3×3 basketball.

But karate is out and so is softball, although the latter will make a return in Los Angeles in four years time.

“I’m very keen to put track and field in different spaces,” Lyles said.

“As I look at other sports, OK what are they doing well that we aren’t doing well?

“I see they are very into fashion and very into music and they are integrating with their sports.

“OK, let’s do that here. Let’s do that in track and field.

“I’ve been pushing more and more athletes to do more and more fashion walk-ins.

“Let them see your style. We only got nine, 19, 43…seconds for people to see us on TV.

“Give them more opportunities to see your personalities.”

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