New research projects fast-fashion market value will soar by billions — here’s why consumers should beware

The global fast-fashion market is currently valued at $106.62 billion and is expected to grow to $177.92 billion by 2030. 

Unfortunately, market research reveals consumers still believe in the fast-fashion hype despite its low-quality production, notorious wastefulness, and questionable labor practices. 

What’s happening?

Open PR shared a Maximize Market Research report detailing data about the fast fashion market’s significant and continued growth. 

The report credits recent growth to rapid technological advancements, evolving consumer preferences, and e-commerce growth. It evaluated trends in top fast fashion markets, including the U.S., Europe, Vietnam, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, and Singapore. 

For example, in the U.S., fast-fashion companies are partnering with influencers and investing in strategies to combine multiple shopping channels for seamless customer experiences. Increases in disposable income and urbanization drive fast-fashion growth in Vietnam, along with the country’s thriving textile industry. 

In other countries, fast fashion entices consumers because it considers regional tastes and has strategic partnerships with e-commerce platforms. 

The report also highlighted that women comprise 60% of the fast-fashion consumer base and that adult fast fashion is more in demand than kids’ and teen wear. 

Why is fast fashion industry growth important?

Fast fashion works against sustainability and fair labor goals. The industry, which relies on low prices and rapid production cycles, is growing despite significant ethical and environmental concerns. 

To keep prices so low, fast fashion companies frequently rely on sweatshop labor with low wages and unsafe working conditions. Meanwhile, the industry produces an exorbitant amount of waste the equivalent of a dump truck full of clothing getting tossed into a landfill each second. 

🗣️ What should the government do about the fast fashion industry?

🔘 Set strict regulations 🚫

🔘 Incentivize sustainable options 💰

🔘 Use both regulations and incentives 🏛️

🔘 Nothing 🙅

🗳️ Click your choice to see results and speak your mind

When you shop for clothes mindfully instead of grabbing the cheapest deal from the most questionable companies, you’ll realize how they negatively impact your budget over time. 

The extremely low quality of fast fashion clothing makes items designed only to last for a few wears at best. Shoppers quickly find themselves trapped in an endless consumerism loop of buying more and draining their budgets while lining the pockets of fast fashion CEOs. 

What’s being done about the impacts of fast fashion?

In spite of the disappointing news regarding fast fashion’s continued growth, the report highlighted a few positive and hopeful trends. 

In Thailand, major fast fashion brands are significantly investing in sustainability initiatives. In Japan, the industry is focusing on eco-friendly products, innovation, sustainable practices, and recycled fabrics. The European fast fashion market has been moving toward global retail and local textile firm mergers to boost supply chain efficiency. 

Although these overseas trends are encouraging, a more sustainable approach to buying clothing is still to avoid fast fashion at all costs. 

With so many garments already existing in our world today, consider upcycling old clothes, mending what you already own, and shopping at thrift stores instead. 

Even small, individual actions like these can help reduce the global demand for fast fashion production and curb its harmful impacts on our people and planet.

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