Garbage Glam Fashion Show returns this Saturday to Main Street Live at 7 p.m.

Staff report
The Chronicle-News

The Garbage Glam Fashion Show will take place this Saturday at Main Street Live starting at 7 p.m.

The “low” fashion show features clothing made from recycled and “upcycled” materials by local artists and organizers call it “Garbage Glam.”

The event hopes to raise donations for the Somebody Cares Project.

According to organizers “about ten years ago, the Martinez family began filling gallon storage bags with essential hygiene items and snacks for hitchhikers, truckers and the growing homeless population in and around Trinidad. This simple project has evolved into a mobile grocery store that serves several communities in southeast Colorado that have no easy access to stores. They also provide boxes of essentials for pick up or delivery locally.

“Operating out of their home, Elaine and Marty Martinez depend on grants and donations to keep the project going, and your help can make a huge difference.”

Tax deductible checks for Somebody Cares Project can be malled to 521 E. North St. Trinidad, CO, 81082. Or contact Gidget for pick up. Additional information regarding the show or organization can be obtained by calling Elaine Martinez at 719-846-2075 or Gidget Fain at 505-250-7918.

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