Costume designer Marylin Fitoussi loved styling Lily Collins and the rest of the cast for Season 4 … [+]
Emily Cooper is still living her best life in Paris and she’s as fashion savvy as ever thanks to costume designer Marylin Fitoussi. Her No. 1 rule when it comes to fashion? Break them all.
The Netflix mega-hit Emily In Paris is back with a ten-episode fourth season, which will premiere in two five-episode parts. Part One premieres on August 15 and Part Two will stream on September 12.
Jin Xuan Mao, Ashley Park, and Kevin Dias as styled by Marylin Fitoussi in ‘Emily In Paris.’
Season four is as delightful as the first three and the cast is – as expected – dressed to the nines. Each season has had gorgeous clothes and accessories but this season, Fitoussi, who has dressed the cast for all 40 episodes, ramped up the mixing of colors and patterns to represent the drama unfolding in all of the characters’ lives.
In an interview pegged to the premiere, Fitoussi said many fans question how Emily can afford such exquisite couture. “Many people say to me, ‘Emily cannot afford what she has in her closet.’ And I say, ‘Of course not, nobody can!’ But do you want to see her in a hoodie and jeans? Nobody wants to see that. It’s for the imagination to see these beautiful items created by brilliant people.”
Marylin Fitoussi loves bold pieces as seen on Lily Collins and Camille Razat in ‘Emily In Paris.’
Fitoussi tells me she often gets goosebumps when various wardrobe items arrive each season. “I need to fall in love with the pieces that I’m sourcing to be able to style a silhouette and sometimes I love many pieces but I’m not able to style it.” She references a pair of shoes she received for season one that she did not use until the third season. “Sometimes you need to wait to be able to style and to be able to find the perfect match.”
In the new season, Emily must deal with the aftermath of Camille and Gabriel’s misbegotten wedding. Things couldn’t be more complicated as she grapples with feelings for Gabriel (who is expecting a baby with Camille) and Alfie who is trying to mend a broken heart.
Her work life is also rife with dilemmas as Sylvie confronts her past for the sake of her marriage, and the Agence Grateau team navigates personnel shakeups. Simultaneously, as Mindy and the band prepare for Eurovision, they’re forced to get creative when money becomes an issue.
Marylin Fitoussi mixes bright colors and loves patterns in her costume design as seen on Lily … [+]
Fitoussi’s fashion choices for the cast reflect the chaos of their lives with bold colors that are not usually put together and a perfect blend of patterns that may not be in the rule books but they always look stunning. According to her, there are two must-haves when it comes to fashion. “It’s all about freedom and confidence.”
When asked what separates this season from past seasons, Fitoussi explains that this season is all about a grown-up Emily. “She’s much more confident and I think this is the most elevated season we have done. You will see she is still unapologetic. She’s still bold and a smart cookie who thinks outside of the box. It’s what I love so much about this character.”
Marylin Fitoussi said this is the most elevated season they’ve done and Lily Collins trusts her … [+]
She had so much fun styling Lily Collins for this more mature version of Emily in a “mix of swinging London and Parisian chic that includes a modality of minimalism and softer palettes.”
We can’t all wear couture every day but Fitoussi says looking good comes down to a few simple things. In addition to freedom and confidence, which she mentioned earlier in our conversation, there is one more fashion must-have. “A woman is never as beautiful as when she is comfortable. That is my philosophy. If you are wearing something too restrictive, you are not comfortable. Comfort is the ultimate luxury.”
Melia Kreiling and Camille Razat styled by Marylin Fitoussi in Season 4 of ‘Emily In Paris.’
As for her creativity with color palettes and mixed patterns that some may say do not go together, Fitoussi says she does not believe in rules. “Rules are made for lazy people who need to have a guide. So, if I had rules I would break them. That’s why I don’t have any. Just enjoy what you’re wearing. The rule is not to have rules. Be a free spirit. Don’t follow the in-and-out trends. If you like to wear glitter at 9:00 a.m. or shocking pink do it if it makes you feel beautiful and comfortable. When I was designing for Emily In Paris, at some point, it became about being free and fearless.”
There are also arbitrary rules for what women should wear based on age and body type. Fitoussi also scoffs at those. She credits series creator Darren Star (Sex and the City) for writing strong female characters of all ages, sizes, and walks of life. “Darren is the best. I’m sure he was a woman in another life.”
As for Emily and her circle of friends, rest assured that no matter what obstacles life throws their way, they are going to look absolutely fabulous if Fitoussi has anything to say about it.