Come To Michael DePaulo’s ‘Mystical Garden’ New York Fashion Week Presentation With Me! 

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at New School chapter.

Happy 2025 New York Fashion Week to all who celebrate!

While normal college students are eager to attend the College Bowl and go to Project X frat parties, city students have New York Fashion Week as their Super Bowl. This is our magical opportunity to contribute to the fashion industry in one of the four biggest fashion capitals in the world.

As a college student in New York City, I had the amazing opportunity to work on fashion shows and presentations in this season’s fashion week. So, let me take you to work with me at one of my favorite shows this week! Michael DePaulo’s Mystical Garden Collection, a presentation of gown and cocktail dresses in Rockefeller Center’s rooftop and loft.

Dressed in my NYC uniform, all black from head to toe, (even with my matte black winged eyeliner) I made my way to Rockefeller Center. Eager to see every garment, every detail, and every aspect of what was coming in this fashion week.

As soon as I arrived, I was escorted to the 7th floor to get to work. The doors smoothly part ways from each other, and I am welcomed into a grand and captivating pearl-white loft. The windows I once stared into while walking on the sidewalk are now the windows I glare out of with a sense of gratitude. 

One step out of the elevator, and I’m greeted by the breathtaking dresses waiting to come to life. Some hang on a rack, while others lay right in front of the window. What a greeting! I look to the left and become 10 steps away from an outdoor rooftop with the greenest grass, lively plants, and a front and center view of St. Patrick’s Cathedral. 

Eventually, I had to get out of my dream state bubble and go backstage, tuck away my things, and get to work. 

My fellow fashion week friends and I helped as needed for a couple of hours; we even had 20 minutes to spare to grab an overpriced coffee around the corner at Ralph’s Coffee. 

But boy was it a good coffee… or in my case, matcha.

We arrive back at Rockefeller Center and regroup just before the start of the presentation. While meeting, the excitement and chaos of fashion week erupted. Everyone around us is speed-walking and working at maximum speed. 

Us volunteers and interns split into two groups, half sent to the lobby to check in the guests eager to see the presentation, and the other half stayed on the 7th floor passing out presentation pamphlets to the guests we sent up. 

I started the presentation by checking the guest list for the show. Although I wasn’t up with the lively gowns, the guests themselves arrived dressed in such a unique, breathtaking fashion that I was taking mental notes for inspiration. Having a personal fashion show downstairs helped my eagerness to see the full production live in action. A big theme among the guests was staying in the New York City Fashion Week dress code of all black but elevating it with interesting textures, unique cutouts, and personal details. 

As much as I enjoyed greeting the fashion world, it was finally time for the interns and volunteers to swap positions!

We get escorted back upstairs to pass out elegant pearl-white pamphlets and enter the ongoing presentation.

With permission, I took what might have been the slowest lap of my life around the loft, soaking in every last detail.

I am treading my way through crowds of the fashion world in the chicest outfits, greeted this time by slick professional servers with boxed water and other beverages. A couple of steps later, I arrived at the showroom and very much entered the Mystical Garden.

Each gown in the Mystical Garden collection felt like a character of its own in a fairytale – some heavily structured, others whimsical and flowing. The room shimmered with bold monochrome, jewel tones, and soft pastels, each telling its tale.

The collection was over 15 looks, all with diverse textures, volumes, and shapes. 

Some gowns demanded attention by having sheer volume to the max – like the glossy green show stopper with a ruched neckline that flowed effortlessly into clouds of glossy fabric. Another, a black and white contrasting head turner, with a massive bow-tied shoulder, spilling into a dramatic ball gown.

Other gowns embodied ethereal, and shimmery qualities, embarking on a true dreamlike tale. Gentle-flowing fabrics, delicate embellishments, and heavenly personas. These gowns featured textured metallic details, sheer layers, and soft colors.

For more bold and contemporary lovers, some pieces embodied drama and fierceness with their striking silhouettes, provoking absolute confidence.

Whether featuring a striking silhouette, evoking a shimmering ethereal dream, or redefining the limits of volume, every piece in the Mystical Garden turned heads by inviting everyone into their fairytale. Each told a story of elegance, luxury, and empowerment. I am so beyond grateful I was able to witness in real life, the magic of couture.

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