33 Madewell Finds I’m Scooping Up Before Anyone Else

Anna LaPlaca wears a white T-shirt and wide-leg jeans from Madewell

Something’s happening over at Madewell. I can’t pinpoint when exactly it started, but I know that the last two times I visited the website, I was floored by what I saw. Chic, directional pieces and ultra-elevated accessories were everywhere I looked and I found myself doing something I haven’t done in ages: I stared adding several items to my Madewell cart. Then, earlier this week, I popped into the Fifth Avenue location in NYC, and my initial impressions were only further cemented. Madewell is chic as hell right now. I found myself hoarding denim, accessories, and fun pieces from its collaboration with Lisa Says Gah to bring into my dressing room with me, and all I’ll say is I hardly left empty-handed.

Like many other “mall brands” looking to hit refresh on their offerings, Madewell is making leaps and bounds away from the aesthetic I used to associate it with, and IMHO, it’s definitely working. I’m all over it and think you should be too, so to prove it, I’m sharing every last item that has my fashion-editor stamp of approval. Below, peruse my current Madewell favorites, including a few items that are en route to my doorstep as we speak (looking at you, brown suede handbag and white barrel jeans).

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